An accomplished expert in transaxillary
breast augmentation with 20 years experience.
An accomplished expert in transaxillary
breast augmentation with 20 years experience.
One of only a handful of plastic surgeons exclusively performing transaxillary breast augmentation, Dr. Bernard Shuster specializes in this approach because he is passionate about his belief this is by far the best method for augmenting breasts.
As a third generation plastic surgeon, Dr. Bernard A. Shuster specializes in aesthetic plastic surgery of the face, breast, and body utilizing minimally invasive techniques.
He earned his undergraduate degree with honors in Biology at Brandeis University, during which time he complemented his studies with research at Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Shuster then graduated with honors in Research at Cornell University Medical College.
His residency was served in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Stanford University Medical Center, where he served as Chief Resident.
Dr. Shuster is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
In addition to presenting his work and lecturing at international, regional and academic meetings, Dr. Shuster has published articles in the journals Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and The British Journal of Plastic Surgery.
He has been featured in many media outlets, including the New York Times, the New York Post, W Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Good Housekeeping, Avenue Magazine, Manhattan File and Rosie Magazine.
Sharing his extensive knowledge, Dr. Shuster has trained residents in plastic surgery in the US, in addition to traveling to Central America and Asia to provide reconstructive surgery to underprivileged children and teach plastic surgery internationally.
The Stanford University
School of Medicine
Weill Medical College
of Cornell University
Kellogg School of Management
at Northwestern University
The American Society
of Plastic Surgeons
The American Society
for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The American College
of Surgeons
Florida Society
of Plastic Surgeons
Florida Medical Association
Broward County
Medical Association
Thuss Family Resident Research Award
Interplast, Inc., Resident Liaison, (Honduras-1994, Vietnam-1995)
Medical School
Louis Gibofsky Memorial Award, for research in transplantation
George N. Papanicolaou Fellow in Clinical Anatomy
Senior Honors Thesis
Dean's List
WC Lineaweaver; K Hui; K Yim; M Ruyle; B Shuster; J Eggleston; S Grover. The role of the plastic surgeon in the management of surgical infection. Plast Reconstr Surg, , 103:6, 1553, 1999.
BA Shuster, GW Commons, B Halperin. Subcutaneous infiltration in suction-assisted lipoplasty (letter). Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 100: 1932, 1997.
L Rodriguez, BA Shuster, RG Milliken. Giant Lipoma of the Breast. Br. J. Pl. Surg, 50: 263, 1997.
YL Karanas, KK Yim, BA Shuster, WC Lineaweaver. Lemierre's Syndrome: A Case of Post-anginal Septicemia Bilateral Flank Abscesses. Ann. Pl. Surg. 35: 525, 1995.
BA Shuster, AM Norbash, SA Schendel. Correction of Scaphocephaly Following Ventricular Shunting. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 96: 1012, 1995.
BA Shuster, LA Hoffman. An Old Friendship Revisited: Plastic Surgery and Transplantation. Aesth. Plast. Surg. 18:135, 1994.
LA Hoffman, MA Codner, BA Shuster, N Bogossian, L Egosi, AD Harper, RM Steinman, GS LaTrenta, GT Shires. Donor Leukocyte Migration Following Extremity Transplantation in an Experimental Model. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 90: 999, 1992.
MA Codner, BA Shuster, RM Steinman, AD Harper, GS LaTrenta, LA Hoffman. Migration of Donor Leukocytes from Limb Allografts into Host Lymphoid Tissues. Ann. Pl. Surg. 25: 353, 1990.
BA Shuster, MA Codner, LA Hoffman, RM Steinman, AD Harper. Cell Migration Following Rat Limb Transplantation. Clinical Research 38(2): 552A, 1990.
April 2016:
A Large Patient Reported outcome study of over 500 bariatric patients who had plastic surgery.
May 2000:
Safety in Large Volume Liposuction: Anesthesia and Surgical Consideration. Instructional Course, The 2000 Annual Meeting of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Orlando, Florida
August 1998:
Large Volume Liposuction: technical and safety issues. Grand Rounds, Division of Plastic Surgery, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, New York
May 1998:
Safety in Large Volume Liposuction: Anesthesia and Surgical Consideration. Instructional Course, The 1998 Annual Meeting of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Los Angeles, California
May 1997:
Safety in Large Volume Liposuction: Anesthesia and Surgical Consideration. Instructional Course, The 1997 Annual Meeting of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, New York, New York.
May 1996:
The Role of Plastic Surgeons in the Treatment of Infectious Disease. 46th Annual Meeting of the California Society of Plastic Surgeons, Indian Wells, California.
April 1996:
Safety in Large Volume Liposuction: Anesthesia and Surgical Consideration. Instructional Course, The 1996 Annual Meeting of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Orlando, Florida.
March 1996:
Cranial Base Abnormalities in Posterior Plagiocephaly. Craniofacial Surgery State of the Art Symposium, New York, New York.
October 1995:
Rhinoplasty: Historical perspectives and Current Techniques. Grand Rounds, Stanford University Medical Center, Division of Plastic Surgery. Stanford, California.
September 1994:
Current Techniques and Advances in the Treatment of Craniosynostosis. Grand Rounds, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY.
September & October 1993:
Current Techniques and Advances in the Treatment of Craniosynostosis. Grand Rounds, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY.
May 1991:
Study of Donor Dendritic Cell Migration Following Rat Hind Limb Transplantation. M.D. with Honors Thesis Dissertation, Cornell University Medical College.
May 1990:
"Study of Leukocyte Migration from Rat Hind Limb Allografts." Presented at: Vincent du Vigneud Research Symposium, The New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center.
May 1987:
Expression of a Recombinant Retroviral Vector Carrying Human ADA cDNA in Embryonal Carcinoma Cells and Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Senior Honors Thesis Dissertation, Brandeis University.
Dr. Shuster’s expertise in the field has been cited in numerous articles and interviews. Below are some of the publications that Dr. Shuster has been featured in.
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